Bachelor of Science, Major in Physics for Modern Technology


The B.Sc. Major in Physics for Modern Technology will give students a solid background in physics and also in the applications of physics to modern technology. The program has been designed with the needs of local high-tech industry in mind and will equip students to work in a wide variety areas including (but not limited to):   

  • Green Energy Technology
  • Industrial Process Control
  • Electronics
  • Robotics
  • Technical Sales
  • Teaching  

In order to ensure students' future success in the workplace, the program includes a work placement and business courses.

Please note: Most first-year courses in this program are offered on both the Surrey and Richmond campuses. However, the second, third, and fourth-year physics courses required for the degree are offered on the Richmond campus.

Faculty's website:

Department's website:

Admission Requirements

Students pursuing a major in Physics for Modern Technology must be admitted to the Faculty of Science.

Declaration Requirements

Students intending to graduate with this Faculty of Science degree must declare the credential by the time they complete 60 credits of undergraduate coursework. At the time of declaration, the student must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • In good academic standing with the University
  • Completion of a minimum of 24 credits of undergraduate coursework, including the following:
    • 3 credits of ENGL at the 1100 level or higher
    • PHYS 1102 with a minimum grade of “C” or PHYS 1220 with a minimum grade of “C”
    • MATH 1220 with a minimum grade of “C” or MATH 1230 with a minimum grade of “C”

Curricular Requirements

All students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • 120 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher. 
  • 45 credits from a minimum of 15 courses at the 3000 level or higher, including 9 credits at the 4000 level.
  • 18 credits of breadth electives (see Electives below) including:
    • at least 12 credits from courses that are offered outside the Faculty of Science; and
    • up to 6 credits from fields of science not prescribed in the Major requirements; and
    • 3 credits from a course at the 3000 level or higher.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • At least 50% of all courses for the BSc, and at least 66% of upper-level courses for the BSc, must be completed at KPU.

The Physics for Modern Technology Major requires the completion of a minimum of 127 credits, including the following specific course requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1Credits
BIOL 1110 Introductory Biology I 4
CHEM 1110 The Structure of Matter 4
CHEM 1210 Chemical Energetics and Dynamics 4
ENGL 1100 Introduction to University Writing 3
PHYS 1600 Introduction to Modern Technology 3
MATH 1120
Differential Calculus (recommended)
or Calculus for Life Sciences I
MATH 1220
Integral Calculus
or Calculus for Life Sciences II
Select one of the following: 4
Physics for Life Sciences I  
Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences I (recommended)  
Select one of the following: 4
Physics for Life Sciences II  
Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences II (recommended)  
Select one Breadth Elective 3
Year 2
MATH 2721 Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra 3
MATH 2821 Multivariate and Vector Calculus 3
PHYS 2010 Modern Physics 3
PHYS 2030 Classical Mechanics 3
PHYS 2040 Thermal Physics 3
PHYS 2100 Experimental Physics 3
PHYS 2420 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism 3
PHYS 2600 Electronics 3
PHYS 2610 Sensors and Actuators 3
Select one Breadth Elective 3
Year 3
CHEM 2315 Analytical Chemistry 4
PHYS 3610 Introduction to Control 3
PHYS 3620 Process Control 3
PHYS 3700 Signal and Image Processing 3
PHYS 3710 Applied Optics & Optoelectronics 3
PHYS 3900 Project in Physics & Technology 3
PHYS 3950 Work Experience - Part I 3
PHYS 3951 Work Experience - Part II 3
PHYS 4900 Special Topics 3
Select one Business Elective 3
Year 3 includes work experience. Several courses in the Spring semester will be taken in compressed mode, January to February, in order to make the period from March through August available for work placement. The exact starting date will be determined in consultation with the work experience host.  
Year 4
CHEM 4610 Instrumental Analysis 4
PHYS 4010 Quantum Mechanics 3
PHYS 4199 Senior Project I 3
PHYS 4299 Senior Project II 3
PHYS 4600 Programming for Instrumentation 3
PHYS 4700 Solid State Physics: Theory and Practice 3
Select three Breadth Electives 9
Select one Business Elective 3
 Total Credits127


As part of the major program, students are required to complete 21 credits of electives, including 6 credits of Business Electives. These electives must satisfy the General Requirements for 18 credits of breadth as stated above.

Breadth Electives

Breadth electives must be selected from subject areas outside of Physics. No more than six of these credits may be from the Faculty of Science.

Business Electives

At least six credits (two courses) must be selected in consultation with Physics faculty to meet Business Elective requirements. Courses must be selected from:

  • Accounting (ACCT) – any course other than ACCT 1130
  • Business & Quantitative Methods (BUQU) – any course other than BUQU 1130 or BUQU 1230
  • Business (BUSI) – any course other than BUSI 1204 or BUSI 1209
  • Economics (ECON) – any course
  • Marketing (MRKT) – any course

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the major program students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Science. Transcripts will indicate a Major in Physics for Modern Technology.

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