Human Resources Management

The Human Resources Management profession is the driving force to help organizations be future-ready. This includes supporting new business models by recruiting, developing and retaining the required employees, enhancing the employee experience, addressing diversity and inclusion and managing the integration of technology in the workplace. To be successful an HR professional requires competencies such as intercultural and emotional intelligence awareness, data and digital literacy, change management acumen and personal communication.

Our HR programs have been developed to prepare you for this role and are based on consultation with industry experts and the latest industry research and workforce trends. The curriculum is integrated with the competency framework outlined by CPHR BC & Yukon. As an accredited educational institution, this ensures a streamlined pathway for KPU’s HR students to achieve their CPHR designation. 

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Human Resources Management program provides full-time and part-time study for students wishing to pursue a career in the field of Human Resources Management.

The Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Human Resources Management program is designed for adult learners who have completed a bachelor-level degree, and who are looking for a pathway to professional employment in the human resources management profession.

Graduates of the programs acquire the following:

  • A strategic and operational mindset to create value for individuals, organizations, and the community. 
  • The ability to generate and implement value-added ideas for human resource program(s) and initiative(s)
  • Curiosity to explore the changing role of business in society
  • The professional behaviours that reflect an appreciation of the interrelationship between business ethics with an HR lens
  • The ability to interpret and critically reflect on culturally and socially inclusive and responsible decisions and actions
  • The ability to access data, analyze, critically evaluate and integrate relevant information to solve challenging human resource management and organizational problems

Some unique features of this program include:

  • Direct incorporation of Intended Learning Outcomes based on the Certified Human Resources Professional Requirements and industry feedback
  • Industry based practicum capstone course, learning partnerships with business, applied projects and assignments and ongoing work experience
  • Professional development for individuals seeking higher level training
  • Opportunities for Cooperative Education employment while earning a degree

The HRMT programs provide full-time and part-time intensive study options for students to complete the program at their own pace. The majority of the HMRT designated courses are scheduled at 4:00 pm or in the evening to allow students to further their education while maintaining current employment. This allows for changing outside-of-school time requirements and does not lock a student into a rigid program structure and time-frame.

Many of the 1000 and 2000 level foundational courses included in the BBA HRMT program are articulated with other universities and colleges for ease of course transferability to and from KPU. Please refer to the BC Transfer Guide at regarding the transferability of courses to and from specific institutions in British Columbia.

Please visit for more information on School of Business programs.

Who Studies Human Resources Management?

  • High school graduates who wish to pursue a human resources career
  • Business students from disciplines such as Accounting, Business Management, Economics, Computer Sciences and Information Systems who wish to continue their studies by expanding the depth and breadth of their knowledge, skills, and practical human resources management experience
  • Current Kwantlen Polytechnic University students who have completed courses in a different discipline (i.e. Arts, Science, Horticulture, Graphic Design) who wish to better understand human resources management practices and strategies for their field
  • Mid-level management working full-time, with some post secondary education, seeking to upgrade their skills in the marketing field through part-time studies
  • International students seeking a BBA degree or Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Human Resources Management from an accredited university

Department's website:

Depending upon their capabilities and experience, a graduate may be able to enter or advance within the field of human resources management in professional roles such as HR Manager, a consultant, an HR Analyst, HR Advisor or HR Coordinator.

HR professionals can work in a generalist role where they are involved in all areas of human resources management or they can specialize in a particular functional area. To name just a few examples, roles could include a recruitment specialist, a compensation analyst, an organizational development consultant or a training and development specialist.

Registration in some course sections is restricted to students in particular programs. See Timetables - - for current section information.

Visit the BC Transfer Guide - - for information about course transfer in B.C.

HRMT 2115  3 credits  
Human Relations in Organizations  
This course focuses on the development of emotional intelligence and intercultural awareness, knowledge and skills, necessary to communicate and interact effectively with a variety of individuals and groups in organizations. By focusing on self-awareness and an increased understanding of others, the course will assist the learner to explore the relationship between values, beliefs, perspectives and effective interactions. They will further their development of interpersonal skills that contribute to effective functioning in organizational settings. Students will assess their human relations strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities to substantially increase individual contribution to the organization and achieve higher levels of personal fulfillment in their careers and lives.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 30 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including BUSI 1215
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 2500  3 credits  
Organizational Analysis - Performance, Planning and People  
Organizational analysis assesses an organization’s operating model to understand how external elements influence it, and how internal elements work together so the organization may reach desired levels of performance. It enables management to identify and evaluate areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities to leverage the organization’s resource base supported by human resources planning initiatives strategically aligned to generate value for stakeholders. Understand how to develop, link, and implement performance management structures at various organizational levels.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 30 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including BUSI 1250 and ECON 1250.
Co-requisite(s): BUSI 2405
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3105  3 credits  
Human Resources Information Systems and Data  
Students will study the concepts of selecting, managing and leveraging the applications of Human Resource Information technologies to support the delivery of efficient and effective HR services. Students will also develop an understanding of the role and importance of HR analytics by being introduced to the concepts and the business application of human resources data, metrics, analyses and reporting techniques to support HR decision-making. Students will apply the course concepts to develop their knowledge and skills through the use of exercises and projects involving cases or simulated organizational situations. Note: MS Excel proficiency is recommended prior to enrolling in this course.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including BUSI 2405 and HRMT 2500
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3125  3 credits  
Employment Law & the Employment Relationship  
Students will research, review and apply the applicable statutes and common law regulating the employment relationship. This course will address the employment relationship, employment contracts, the duties of the employer and employee, and termination of the relationship, which includes the law of wrongful dismissal. Students will focus on the B.C. statutes and regulations that affect the employment relationship including: the Employment Standards Act, Human Rights Code, Workers Compensation Act, the Labour Relations Code, and appropriate privacy legislation.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including ENGL 1100, BUSI 1250 and BUSI 2390
Co-requisite(s): CMNS 3000 or ENTR 3000
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3135  3 credits  
Recruitment & Selection  
Students will use the most up-to-date aspects of the current issues and methodologies used in recruiting and selecting employees for organizations as essential components of strategic human resources planning, with an emphasis on their strategic role in enhancing organizational performance. They will deal with contemporary developments and their practical applications related to organization and job analysis, competencies and performance management, employee recruitment, screening and selection, testing, interviewing and related decision making.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits from courses at 1100 level or higher, must include ENGL 1100, HRMT 2500 and either (a) HRMT 2115 or (b) HRMT 3115
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3145  3 credits  
Occupational Health & Safety  
Students will work individually and as a member of a team to: -identify strategic organizational practices for Occupational Health and Safety consistent with the organization’s strategy, recognizing equity, diversity and inclusion. -improve occupational health and safety practices through the assessment of education and communication needs and the provision of appropriate programs; and -analyze program effectiveness and assess accident reports and health outcomes.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 3125, HRMT 3105 and either (a) HRMT 2115 or (b) HRMT 3115
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3255  3 credits  
Total Compensation  
Students will evaluate and implement a road map to evolving compensation strategy and design. They will use the process a Human Resource practitioner follows in order to analyze and put together an effective compensation program according to current best practices, focusing on performance-based approaches to compensation that help create programs that support an organization's broad-based strategic needs while recognizing equity, diversity and inclusion issues. Students will review job analysis, job evaluation, compensation surveys, contingency-based compensation plans, executive compensation packages, productivity measurements and the use of technology in managing compensation programs in the course. Note: MS Excel proficiency is recommended prior to enrolling in this course.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): All of: (a) HRMT 3135 and (b) ENTR 3120 or ACCT 3380 or ENTR 3170
Co-requisite(s): HRMT 3105
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 3265  3 credits  
People Learning & Development  
Students will use best professional practices focusing on the management of training and development as a critical investment in an organization's human resources capital. They will demonstrate processes centered around the roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Development professionals, a model of training, the importance of needs analysis, strategic goal setting, program design, on and off-the-job training methodologies, transfer of training, training evaluation and costing, the diversity of training programs, as well as the management development process.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 3135
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 4115  3 credits  
Labour Relations  
This is an introduction to the practice of Canadian labour and employee relations focusing specifically on collective agreement administration and support/preparation for collective bargaining. It will address practical applications and skills building in areas of: contract and statute interpretation; grievance handling and arbitration preparation; management of employee relations issues and the employer and union/employee relationship; and collective bargaining research, preparation and costing. There is an emphasis on building skills that will enable graduates to succeed in emerging practitioner roles and assist them in preparing for the CPHR certification including: forming and defending arguments, facilitating dispute resolution, conducting effective investigations, costing employer benefit and collective agreement matters, researching and presenting issues, especially briefings of senior staff.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 3145 and HRMT 3255
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 4125  3 credits  
Organizational Development  
Research and address the nature of changes on work, their impact on organizations, and how organizations need to develop and may adapt to change. Building the competencies with regards to critical systems thinking, participants will examine the strategies and techniques used by organizational development practitioners to develop and implement strategically aligned OD interventions to increase an organization’s capabilities and capacities. Participants will apply concepts relating to change leadership and management at the individual, group and team, intergroup, and at the organizational level.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: ENTR 3100, ENTR 3150, ECON 3150 or ECON 2350
Co-requisite(s): HRMT 3265
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 4155  3 credits  
Leadership & HR Consulting  
HR professionals are both consultants and leaders in organizations - whether they are working inside an organization or as an external expert. In this course, students learn what it is to be a leader in HR and will develop practiced consulting skills, and techniques, to deliver value to individuals, organizations and communities. Students will develop an understanding of, and practice, the skills required to effectively partner with external and internal clients. Emphasis will be placed on the ever present opportunity to demonstrate leadership regardless of the professional's formal role in Human Resources.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): 90 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, must include HRMT 3265
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 4500  6 credits  
Strategic Human Resources Management  
Students will manage, design, prepare and present a comprehensive Human Resource Management project that will meet the requirements of a client organization. Students will synthesize developmental, leadership and application experiences to analyze factors internal and external to an organization and provide strategic recommendations based on an organization’s human capital; develop strategic human resource plans in concert with the organization’s strategic plan; and implement plans to address gaps in an organization’s capabilities in order to carry out strategic plans. They will also design strategic staffing processes to maintain organizational effectiveness, analyze trends in the organization’s environment and develop appropriate Human Resources responses. Note: HRMT 4125 is recommended prior to enrolling in this course.
Level: UG
Co-requisite(s): HRMT 4115 and HRMT 4125
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 4980  3 credits  
Strategic Human Resources Management - Capstone  
Students will manage, design, prepare and present a comprehensive strategic Human Resource Management project that will meet the requirements of a client/employer organization. Students will synthesize developmental, leadership and application experiences to analyze factors internal and external to an organization and provide strategic recommendations based on an organization’s human capital; develop strategic human resource plans in concert with the organization’s strategic plan; and implement plans to address gaps in an organization’s capabilities in order to carry out strategic plans.
Level: UG
Co-requisite(s): HRMT 4115 and ENTR 4200
Attribute: BUSI
HRMT 5100  3 credits  
HR & the Business  
This course provides students with an understanding of the Canadian business environment and of the human resource management function as a key driver in organizational success. Students will be introduced to the traditional and evolving role of the Human Resource management function and build a foundational understanding of how the HR function creates value in organizations. Students will examine the political, economic, legal, cultural and social issues that influence the practice of Human Resources as well consider the impact of structure on communication, leadership and individual behaviours.
Level: UG
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5110  3 credits  
HR Management  
This course addresses the strategic human resource management activity of planning for future human resource requirements and adding business value through HRM. The importance of aligning human resources planning with corporate and business strategies is emphasized and the course is centered around analysis and evaluating an organization’s strategic variables, its capabilities and its industry environmental factors in developing an aligned human resources systems framework. Specific focus will be applied to the transformative role of technology and the HR function.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): BUSM 5100, BUSM 5130 and HRMT 5100
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5120  3 credits  
Professional Communications for HR Professionals  
Students will learn how to communicate within the HR context. They will analyze context and audience, determine purpose, message content, visual design and media in order to create effective human resource communication that are consistent with an organization’s employment brand. Students will identify and practice the skills required to write effective policies and, clear HR communications (including job descriptions, talent acquisition communications, and employee communications) while identifying the implications of communication errors in the HR context.
Level: UG
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5130  3 credits  
Talent Acquisition  
Students will apply the most up-to-date methodologies used in talent acquisition, retention and engagement to choose the best approach to organizational talent acquisition. They will deal with contemporary developments and their practical applications related to workforce planning strategy, employer branding, organization and job analysis and the implications of the legal frameworks that impact talent acquisition. Students will analyze the effectiveness of talent acquisition approaches with a strong focus on the impact of technology.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5100
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5140  3 credits  
Human Relations & Intercultural Fluency  
Students will demonstrate understanding and apply key concepts of human behaviour in organizations, with in-depth focus on emotional intelligence, facilitation, conflict, team behaviours and intercultural fluency. Students will assess their human relations strengths and weaknesses as well as their current level of intercultural fluency to identify opportunities to substantively increase individual contribution to the organization and create inclusive work environments.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5100
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5150  3 credits  
Health and Safety  
Students will identify the requirements for a strategically aligned Occupational Health and Safety program. They will articulate the business case for the establishment and adherence to occupational health and safety practices that consider legal requirements, risk mitigation, economic impact and corporate social responsibility. Students will analyze program effectiveness and track accident reports and health outcomes based on information and data.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5100
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5160  3 credits  
Total Rewards  
Students will develop the knowledge and skill to make strategic total reward decisions and develop strategically aligned reward systems. They will develop reward strategies that consider compensation, benefits, reinforcement of organizational culture and the employee experience. They will focus on the process for creating total reward programs that support an organization's broad-based strategic needs. Students will review the most advanced thinking in job analysis, job evaluation, compensation surveys, contingency-based compensation plans, executive compensation packages, productivity measurements. They will examine the transformative role of technology in managing rewards programs and their link to performance management. Students will also discuss the legal framework for total rewards in Canada.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5130
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5170  3 credits  
Talent Management  
Students will use best professional practices focusing on the management of training and development as a critical investment in an organization's human resources capital. They will demonstrate processes centered around the roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Development professionals, a model of training, the importance of needs analysis, strategic goal setting, program design, on and off-the-job training methodologies, transfer of training, training evaluation and costing, the diversity of training programs, as well as the management development process. Students will also utilize coaching techniques as a powerful intervention to enhance organizational results by influencing the way people think and work together.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5140
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5180  3 credits  
Organizational Development & Leadership  
Students will apply the business leadership process as well as applied, and practical, leadership techniques. They will develop and practice leadership and consulting skills through self-assessment exercises, simulations and other 'hands-on' experience. Students will also research, review and present key findings on best practices related to a variety of key organization development concepts, such as: the process of organization development; human process interventions; techno-structural interventions; human resources management intervention; strategic interventions.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): HRMT 5110, 5120, 5130, and 5140
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5190  4 credits  
Labour and Employee Relations  
Students will differentiate between employee and labour relations and the aspects of union management relations in the Canadian context. Students will choose approaches for effectively managing employee issues such as: discipline, non-culpable performance problems, addiction, disability and forms of harassment. Students will identify the unionization process and examine approaches to negotiating collective agreements. Students will examine effective dispute resolution in unionized and non-unionized environments. They will also apply collective agreement language in an organizational setting through a series of grievance cases covering all aspects of a collective agreement. Students will use data collection and grievance decisions to prepare proposals for negotiations using collective agreement language and will confront issues surrounding labour disruptions and the application of Labour Relations legislation. They will also consider the past and current state of unionization and future issues in Canadian unionization.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): All of HRMT 5110, 5120, 5140, 5150, 5160
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9
HRMT 5200  5 credits  
Strategic Human Resources Management Practicum  
Students will manage, design, prepare and present a comprehensive strategic Human Resource Management industry project that will meet the requirements of a client organization. Students will synthesize developmental, leadership and application experiences to analyze factors internal and external to an organization and provide strategic recommendations based on an organization’s human capital; develop strategic human resource plans in concert with the organization’s strategic plan; and implement plans to address gaps in an organization’s capabilities in order to carry out strategic plans.
Level: UG
Prerequisite(s): All of HRMT 5110, 5120, 5150, 5160, 5170
Attributes: BUSI, F2A9

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