Courses A-Z
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Acupuncture (ACUP)
- Agriculture (AGRI)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Appliance Servicing (APPL)
- Applied Communications (CMNS)
- Applied Science (APSC)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Arts (ARTS)
- Asian Studies (ASIA)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Automotive Service (ASTA)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology Qualifying (BIOQ)
- Brewing & Brewery Operations (HOPS)
- Business & Quantitative Methods (BUQU)
- Business (BUSI)
- Business Management (BUSM)
- Carpentry/Building Construction (CARP)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry Qualifying (CHEQ)
- Communications (COMM)
- Computer Business Systems (CBSY)
- Computer Cloud Architecture & Security (CCAS)
- Computer Science (CPSC)
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting (CADD)
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting: Architectural (CADA)
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting: Industrial (CADI)
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting: Manufacturing and Fabrication (CADM)
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting: Structural (CADS)
- Cooperative Education (COOP)
- Counselling Psychology (CNPS)
- Creative Writing (CRWR)
- Cree (CREE)
- Criminology (CRIM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education Assistant (EDAS)
- Educational Studies (EDUC)
- Electrical (ELEC)
- Employment and Community Studies (EACS)
- English (ENGL)
- English for Trades (ENGT)
- English Language Studies (ELST)
- English Qualifying (ENGQ)
- Entertainment Arts (ENTA)
- Entrepreneurial Leadership (ENTR)
- Environmental Protection Technology (ENVI)
- Farrier Training (FARR)
- Fashion & Technology (FASN)
- Fashion Marketing (FMRK)
- Financial Services (FNSR)
- Fine Arts (FINA)
- French (FREN)
- Front-End Development in Interactive Technologies (FDIT)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Global Competencies (GLBL)
- Graduate Nurse Internationally Educated Re-entry (GNIE)
- Graduate Nurse Qualifying (GNQU)
- Graphic Design for Marketing (GDMA)
- Green Business Management (GRMT)
- Health (HEAL)
- Health Care Assistant (HCAP)
- Health Sciences (HSCI)
- Health Unit Coordinator (HAUC)
- History (HIST)
- Horticulture (HORT)
- Human Resources Management (HRMT)
- Indigenous Studies (INDG)
- Information Technology (INFO)
- Interdisciplinary Expressive Arts (IDEA)
- Interior Design (IDSN)
- International Business (IBUS)
- Language & Culture (LANC)
- Learning Communities (LCOM)
- Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Mandarin (MAND)
- Marketing (MRKT)
- Masonry (MSRY)
- Math for Trades (MATT)
- Math Qualifying (MATQ)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechatronics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (MAMT)
- Metal Fabrication (MFAB)
- Millwright (MILL)
- Millwright/Industrial Mechanic (MWIN)
- Music (MUSI)
- Partsperson (PRTS)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physics Qualifying (PHYQ)
- Pipefitter (PIPE)
- Plumbing (PLMB)
- Policy Studies (POST)
- Political Science (POLI)
- Product Design (DEPD)
- Psychiatric Nursing (PSYN)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Relations (PRLN)
- Punjabi (PUNJ)
Course Level
Each course description includes the designated academic level of the course as noted below.
Level | Description |
CP | Course designated as College Preparatory level. |
GR | Course designated as Graduate level. |
UG | Course designated as Undergraduate level. |
VO | Course designated as Vocational level. |
Course Attributes
Each course description may include one or more attributes for the course. A description of each attribute is noted below.
Attribute | Description |
ACPR | Course offered by the Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation. |
ARTS | Course offered by the Faculty of Arts. |
ASTR | Course designated as applicable towards requirements for an associate degree. |
BUSI | Course offered by the Melville School of Business. |
DESN | Course offered by the Wilson School of Design. |
F2A2 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.2 |
F2A3 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.3 |
F2A4 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.4 |
F2A5 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.5 |
F2A6 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.6 |
F2A7 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.7 |
F2A8 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.8 |
F2A9 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.a.9 |
F2B1 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.b.1 |
F2B2 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.b.2 |
F2C | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.c |
F2D | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.d |
F2E | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.e |
F2E1 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.e.1 |
F2E2 | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.e.2 |
F2F | Course fees are assessed according to Tuition Category 2.f |
F8A | Course fees for International Students are assessed according to Tuition Category 8.a |
F8B | Course fees for International Students are assessed according to Tuition Category 8.b |
F8C | Course fees for International Students are assessed according to Tuition Category 8.c |
F8C1 | Course fees for International Students are assessed according to Tuition Category 8.c.1 |
HLTH | Course offered by the Faculty of Health. |
PW_2 | Course designated for Pathway Studies students at Pathway 2 English proficiency. |
PW_3 | Course designated for Pathway Studies students at Pathway 3 English proficiency. |
QUAN | Quantitative course that fulfills a quantitative program requirement. |
SCIH | Course offered by the Faculty of Science. |
TRAD | Course offered by the Faculty of Trades and Technology. |
WI | Writing Intensive course that fulfills a writing intensive program requirement as defined in Policy AC14. |
WRIT | Writing Instruction course that fulfills a writing instruction program requirement as defined in Policy AC14. |
Pathway to Undergraduate Study Courses
The following undergraduate courses are designated for enrolment by students admitted to the Pathway to Undergraduate Studies, as approved by Senate and its Standing Committee on Curriculum.
Once a student attains Pathway Level 2 or higher they have the option to enroll in a limited number of undergraduate courses, selected from the following list of undergraduate courses. The course description will indicate any prerequisite(s) other than English.
Note that Pathway Level 2 and Pathway Level 3 students must register in an English upgrading course in ENGQ or ELST as a condition of registration in any of these undergraduate courses. See the Pathway to Undergraduate Studies admission requirements.
Pathway Level 2 Undergraduate Course Options
Students that have attained at least Pathway Level 2 may choose from the following undergraduate courses.
Code | Title | Credits |
CBSY 1105 | Computer Business Applications | 3 |
CMNS 1110 | Fundamentals of Workplace Writing & Communications | 3 |
CPSC 1100 | Introduction to Computer Literacy | 3 |
EDUC 1100 | Introduction to Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC 1101 | Introduction to Higher Education for Student Athletes | 3 |
EDUC 1102 | Introduction to Higher Education for Indigenous Students | 3 |
EDUC 1140 | Introduction to Higher Education for Experienced Learners | 3 |
EDUC 1150 | Introduction to Higher Education for International Students | 3 |
ENTR 1100 | Entrepreneurial Inquiry | 3 |
IDEA 1100 | Exploring Self and World: Transcultural, Creative and Interdisciplinary Inquiry | 3 |
INFO 1111 | Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software | 3 |
MUSI 1120 | Music Rudiments | 3 |
MUSI 1130 | Music Technology I | 3 |
MUSI 1167 | Kwantlen String Orchestra I | 2 |
MUSI 1168 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1169 | Kwantlen Chorus I | 2 |
MUSI 1267 | Kwantlen String Orchestra II | 2 |
MUSI 1268 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1269 | Kwantlen Chorus II | 2 |
Pathway Level 3 Undergraduate Course Options
Students that have attained at least Pathway Level 3 may choose from the following undergraduate courses, as well as from the undergraduate courses listed above.
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT 1110 | Introductory Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 1150 | Introduction to Personal Finance | 3 |
ACCT 1160 | Accounting Essentials for Non-Business Students | 3 |
ACCT 1210 | Introductory Financial Accounting II | 3 |
ANTH 1100 | Social & Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ASIA 1100 | Introducing Asia | 3 |
ASIA 1111 | Religions of India | 3 |
BUSI 1101 | Canadian Business Education Foundations | 3 |
BUSI 1115 | Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills | 3 |
CHEM 1101 | CSI: Chemical Sciences Investigation | 4 |
CHEM 1105 | Introductory Chemistry | 4 |
CMNS 1101 | Foundations of Business Communications | 3 |
CRIM 1100 | Introduction to Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 1101 | Introduction to the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRWR 1100 | Introduction to Creative Writing I | 3 |
DESN 1100 | Design Processes, Methods and Materials | 3 |
DESN 1110 | Drawing for Design | 3 |
DESN 1140 | Colour Theories | 3 |
DESN 1230 | Introduction to Digital Drafting | 3 |
ENTR 1200 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | 3 |
FINA 1100 | Introduction to Drawing | 3 |
FREN 1100 | French for Beginners I | 3 |
GEOG 1160 | Geography of British Columbia | 3 |
HIST 1100 | Reel History: History through Film | 3 |
HORT 1105 | BC Pesticide Applicator Certification | 1 |
HORT 1118 | Basic Machinery Operation and Maintenance | 3 |
HORT 1124 | Landscape Gardening Methods | 3 |
HORT 1132 | Turf Maintenance Operations | 3 |
HORT 1193 | Crop Production Practices | 3 |
HORT 1217 | Foundations of Plant Health | 3 |
HORT 1230 | Sustainable Turf Management | 3 |
HORT 1232 | Sports Turf Management Practices | 3 |
HORT 1293 | Crop Production Operations | 3 |
JAPN 1100 | Basic Japanese I | 3 |
LANC 1870 | Intro to Bhangra Dance: Modern and Traditional | 3 |
MAND 1100 | Beginner Mandarin I | 3 |
MATH 1102 | Precalculus Algebra | 3 |
MATH 1112 | Pre-Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1117 | Environmental Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 1120 | Differential Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1130 | Calculus for Life Sciences I | 3 |
MATH 1140 | Calculus I (Business Applications) | 3 |
MUSI 1111 | Introduction to Popular Music | 3 |
MUSI 1115 | Classical Music in Western Culture | 3 |
MUSI 1291 | Songwriting and Arranging | 3 |
PHYS 1100 | Introductory Physics | 4 |
PUNJ 1100 | Introductory Punjabi I | 3 |
SOCI 1125 | Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures | 3 |
SPAN 1100 | Basic Spanish I | 3 |
WRTG 1100 | Writing for University | 3 |
Associate Degree Transferable Courses
The following KPU courses receive transfer credit at one or more of SFU, UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus), UNBC or UVic and as such can count towards completing the requirements for an associate degree. For further information, see
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT 1110 | Introductory Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 1150 | Introduction to Personal Finance | 3 |
ACCT 1210 | Introductory Financial Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT 2235 | Introductory Taxation | 3 |
ACCT 2293 | Accelerated Introductory Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 3310 | Intermediate Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 3320 | Cost and Management Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 3335 | Intermediate Taxation | 3 |
ACCT 3380 | Managerial Finance | 3 |
ACCT 3410 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT 4120 | Financial Statement Presentation and Analysis | 3 |
ACCT 4360 | Financial Modelling and Data Analytics Using MS-Excel | 3 |
ACCT 4720 | Advanced Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 5110 | Intermediate Financial Accounting | 4 |
ACCT 5220 | Introductory Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 5335 | Taxation | 4 |
ACCT 5480 | Corporate Finance | 4 |
ACCT 5500 | Data Analytics for Accountants | 3 |
ACCT 5510 | Advanced Financial Accounting | 4 |
ACCT 5645 | Audit and Assurance | 4 |
ACCT 5720 | Advanced Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 5800 | Strategy and Governance | 4 |
ACUP 1100 | Acupuncture Fundamental Theory | 4 |
ACUP 1110 | Mandarin Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture | 3 |
ACUP 1160 | Acupuncture Biomed Foundation | 4 |
ACUP 1210 | East Asian Health and Philosophy | 3 |
AGRI 1100 | Applied Organic Agriculture I | 3 |
AGRI 1150 | Foundations of Sustainable Agriculture | 3 |
AGRI 1200 | Applied Organic Agriculture II | 6 |
AGRI 1250 | Foundations in Sustainable Agriculture | 4 |
AGRI 1299 | Food System Field Analysis | 1 |
AGRI 2100 | Applied Organic Agriculture III | 3 |
AGRI 2190 | Plant Science | 3 |
AGRI 2220 | Soil Stewardship and Management | 4 |
AGRI 2230 | Sustainable Human Economy | 3 |
AGRI 2240 | Ecologically Based Pest Management | 3 |
AGRI 2250 | Agriculture and Food Systems in British Columbia | 3 |
AGRI 2320 | Advanced Soil Management | 3 |
AGRI 3150 | Agriculture and Energy | 3 |
AGRI 3390 | Agro-Ecosystems Management II | 6 |
AGRI 4298 | Agroecology as a Global Movement | 3 |
ANTH 1100 | Social & Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 1200 | Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 1217 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 1300 | Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 2100 | Ethnographic Research Methods and Ethics | 3 |
ANTH 2120 | Cross-Cultural Women’s and Gender Studies | 3 |
ANTH 2133 | Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft | 3 |
ANTH 2142 | Indigenous Peoples in Canada | 3 |
ANTH 2160 | Culture and the Environment | 3 |
ANTH 2162 | Eating Culture: Anthropology of Food | 3 |
ANTH 2163 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 2190 | Non-Governmental Organizations in Context | 3 |
ANTH 2217 | Forensic Methods & Analysis | 3 |
ANTH 2250 | Biological Anthropology of the Human Lifespan | 3 |
ANTH 2300 | Archaeological Methods | 3 |
ANTH 2310 | Archaeology of Death | 3 |
ANTH 2320 | Archaeology of Africa, Asia and Europe | 3 |
ANTH 2340 | Archaeology of the Americas | 3 |
ANTH 3100 | Anthropological Theory | 3 |
ANTH 3150 | Ethnographic Field Studies | 6 |
ANTH 3190 | Non-Governmental Organizations in Practice | 3 |
ANTH 3211 | Forensic Science: Fact and Fiction | 3 |
ANTH 3242 | A Survey of the Primates | 3 |
ANTH 3300 | Archaeological Theory | 3 |
ANTH 3301 | Archaeological Methods for Cultural Resource Management | 3 |
ANTH 3330 | East Asian Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 3340 | British Columbia Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 3361 | Archaeological Field Studies | 6 |
ANTH 3503 | Special Topics in Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 4101 | Advanced Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 4501 | Selected Problems in Anthropology | 3 |
APSC 1124 | Introduction to Engineering | 1 |
APSC 1151 | Introduction to Engineering Graphics | 3 |
APSC 1299 | Introduction to Microcontrollers | 3 |
ARTH 1120 | Art and Visual Culture: Prehistoric to Late Gothic | 3 |
ARTH 1121 | Art and Visual Culture: Renaissance to 20th Century | 3 |
ARTH 1130 | Introduction to Film Studies | 3 |
ARTH 1140 | Introduction to Visual Art, Urban, and Screen Culture | 3 |
ARTH 2122 | Modern Art and Visual Culture: 1890-1945 | 3 |
ARTH 2124 | Indigenous Art | 3 |
ARTH 2126 | Canadian Modern and Contemporary Art | 3 |
ARTH 2160 | History of Architecture: Prehistoric to Renaissance | 3 |
ARTH 2222 | Contemporary Art and Visual Culture: 1945 to the Present | 3 |
ARTH 2260 | History of Architecture: Baroque to Postmodern | 3 |
ARTH 3100 | Special Topics Seminar in Art History | 3 |
ARTH 3121 | Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art | 3 |
ARTS 1100 | Experiencing the Arts | 3 |
ARTS 1150 | Introduction to the Climate Crisis | 3 |
ARTS 2000 | The Science and Practice of Wellness | 3 |
ASIA 1100 | Introducing Asia | 3 |
ASIA 1111 | Religions of India | 3 |
ASIA 1311 | Religions of East Asia | 3 |
ASIA 2120 | Introduction to Chinese and Japanese Cinema | 3 |
ASIA 2156 | Martial Arts of China and Japan | 3 |
ASIA 2210 | Happiness and Wellbeing in Indian Religions | 3 |
ASIA 2240 | Sikh Gurus: Life and Teachings | 3 |
ASIA 2252 | Indian Society through Popular Film | 3 |
ASIA 2290 | South Asians around the Globe | 3 |
ASIA 2351 | Opium, Alcohol, & Tobacco in Asian History & Culture | 3 |
ASIA 2355 | The Chinese Overseas: A Global History of Chinese Migration | 3 |
ASIA 2359 | Tea in Asia | 3 |
ASIA 2365 | Pathways to Nirvana: Cultural History of Buddhism | 3 |
ASIA 2399 | Readings in Asian Studies | 3 |
ASIA 3140 | Environment and Society in East Asia | 3 |
ASIA 3149 | Hong Kong: Past, Present, and Future | 3 |
ASIA 3150 | East Asian Immigrants to North America | 3 |
ASIA 3151 | Gender in East Asia | 3 |
ASIA 3152 | Ethnicity in China and Japan | 3 |
ASIA 3154 | Chinese Cinema and Society | 3 |
ASIA 3230 | Islam in South Asia | 3 |
ASIA 3252 | Bollywood and Contemporary India | 3 |
ASIA 3255 | Gender in South Asia | 3 |
ASIA 3310 | Japanese Culture and Business | 3 |
ASIA 3320 | Japanese Culture Through Film | 3 |
ASIA 3860 | South Asian Folklore | 3 |
ASIA 3870 | Bhangra Movements and Identity | 3 |
ASIA 4350 | Asian Communities in Canada: Research Approaches | 3 |
ASIA 4351 | Advanced Topics in Asian Cinema | 3 |
ASTR 1100 | Introduction to Astronomy | 4 |
ASTR 1105 | Basic Astronomy | 3 |
ASTR 1120 | Introduction to Astrophysics | 4 |
ASTR 3110 | Exploring the Solar System | 3 |
ASTR 3111 | Exploring Stars & Galaxies | 3 |
BIOL 1110 | Introductory Biology I | 4 |
BIOL 1112 | Biology Today | 4 |
BIOL 1160 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
BIOL 1210 | Introductory Biology II | 4 |
BIOL 1260 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
BIOL 1492 | Indigenous Perspectives in Biology | 3 |
BIOL 2320 | Genetics | 4 |
BIOL 2321 | Cell Biology | 4 |
BIOL 2322 | Ecology | 4 |
BIOL 2330 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIOL 2421 | Cellular Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOL 3165 | Conservation Biology | 3 |
BIOL 3180 | Life Science Research Methods | 3 |
BIOL 3215 | Zoology | 4 |
BIOL 3320 | Molecular Genetics | 4 |
BIOL 3321 | Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology | 4 |
BIOL 3330 | Microbiology II | 4 |
BIOL 3421 | Molecular Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOL 4235 | Marine Biology | 3 |
BIOL 4245 | Developmental Biology | 4 |
BUQU 1130 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
BUQU 1230 | Business Statistics | 3 |
BUSI 1101 | Canadian Business Education Foundations | 3 |
BUSI 1110 | Fundamentals of Business in Canada | 3 |
BUSI 1205 | Supervisory Skills | 3 |
BUSI 1210 | Essentials of Management | 3 |
BUSI 1215 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 |
BUSI 1250 | Human Resources Management I | 3 |
BUSI 2110 | Values, Rationality, and Power: Developing Wise Organizational Action | 3 |
BUSI 2360 | Union Management Relations | 3 |
BUSI 2390 | Business Law | 3 |
BUSI 2405 | Operations Management | 3 |
BUSI 2425 | Business Diploma Capstone | 3 |
BUSI 2465 | Negotiation Skills | 3 |
BUSI 2490 | International Business | 3 |
CADD 2220 | Sustainable Design | 4 |
CBSY 1105 | Computer Business Applications | 3 |
CBSY 2205 | Management Information Systems | 3 |
CBSY 2306 | Accounting Systems and Advanced Reporting Applications | 3 |
CBSY 2310 | Advanced MS Office and Web Site Applications | 3 |
CHEM 1101 | CSI: Chemical Sciences Investigation | 4 |
CHEM 1105 | Introductory Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 1110 | The Structure of Matter | 4 |
CHEM 1154 | Chemistry for Engineering | 4 |
CHEM 1210 | Chemical Energetics and Dynamics | 4 |
CHEM 2311 | Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences | 3 |
CHEM 2315 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 2320 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 2420 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM 3310 | Physical Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 3320 | Natural Products Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 4320 | Drug Discovery, Design & Development | 4 |
CHEM 4610 | Instrumental Analysis | 4 |
CMNS 1101 | Foundations of Business Communications | 3 |
CMNS 1110 | Fundamentals of Workplace Writing & Communications | 3 |
CMNS 1140 | Introduction to Professional Communication | 3 |
CMNS 2140 | Communications For Design Professionals | 3 |
CNPS 3310 | Theories of Counselling | 3 |
CNPS 3320 | Career Counselling and Career Education | 3 |
CNPS 3330 | Cultural Considerations in Counselling | 3 |
CNPS 4300 | Counselling Relationships and Basic Skills | 3 |
CNPS 4310 | The Reflective Practitioner | 3 |
CNPS 4330 | Group Facilitation | 3 |
COMM 1100 | Foundations of Communication Studies | 3 |
COMM 1110 | Television and Social Change | 3 |
COMM 2100 | Media Ethics and Law | 3 |
COMM 2210 | Media, Audiences and Popular Culture | 3 |
COMM 3100 | Media and Diversity | 3 |
COMM 3200 | Celebrity and the Media | 3 |
COMM 3210 | Communication and Everyday Life | 3 |
COMM 3230 | Sports, Media and Audience | 3 |
CPSC 1100 | Introduction to Computer Literacy | 3 |
CPSC 1103 | Principles of Program Structure and Design I | 3 |
CPSC 1204 | Principles of Program Structure and Design II | 3 |
CPSC 2302 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 3 |
CPSC 3110 | Simulation | 3 |
CRIM 1100 | Introduction to Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 1101 | Introduction to the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM 1107 | Canadian Legal Systems | 3 |
CRIM 1207 | Introduction to Criminal Law | 3 |
CRIM 1208 | Methods of Research in Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 1215 | Interpersonal and Professional Development in Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 2103 | Quantitative Data Analysis I | 3 |
CRIM 2204 | Criminal Justice and Psychology | 3 |
CRIM 2205 | Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media | 3 |
CRIM 2211 | Introduction to Policing | 3 |
CRIM 2214 | Corrections: Theory and Practice | 3 |
CRIM 2249 | Youth Justice | 3 |
CRIM 2330 | Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour | 3 |
CRIM 2331 | Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour | 3 |
CRIM 2341 | Canadian Criminal Justice Administration | 3 |
CRIM 2355 | Police Misconduct and Accountability | 3 |
CRIM 3113 | Critical Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 3115 | Crime Mapping | 3 |
CRIM 3118 | White-Collar & Corporate Crime | 3 |
CRIM 3211 | Policing and Community | 3 |
CRIM 3249 | Issues in Youth Justice | 3 |
CRIM 3302 | Procedure and Evidence | 3 |
CRIM 4235 | Marginalized Groups and the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM 4240 | Indigenous Peoples and Justice | 3 |
CRIM 4245 | Indigenous Activism | 3 |
CRIM 4300 | Administrative and Regulatory Law | 3 |
CRIM 4900 | Special Topics | 3 |
CRWR 1100 | Introduction to Creative Writing I | 3 |
CRWR 1110 | Introduction to Creative Writing II | 3 |
CRWR 1200 | Introduction to Craft and Process in Creative Writing | 3 |
CRWR 1240 | New Forms and Media: Networked Narratives | 3 |
CRWR 2140 | Writing and Creativity on the Web | 3 |
CRWR 2300 | Fiction and Poetry | 3 |
CRWR 2310 | Drama, Fiction and Poetry II | 3 |
CRWR 2900 | Special Topics | 3 |
CRWR 3100 | Techniques in Short Fiction | 3 |
CRWR 3110 | Techniques in Poetry | 3 |
CRWR 3120 | Screenwriting and Drama: Character and Dialogue | 3 |
CRWR 3130 | Creative Nonfiction: Writing from the Self | 3 |
CRWR 3140 | New Forms and Media: Sites and Platforms | 3 |
CRWR 3200 | Short Fiction | 3 |
CRWR 3210 | Poetic Forms | 3 |
CRWR 3220 | Screenwriting and Drama: Structure and Plot | 3 |
CRWR 3230 | Creative Nonfiction: Writing Beyond the Self | 3 |
CRWR 3240 | New Forms and Media: Web Series | 3 |
CRWR 3400 | Advanced Special Topics | 3 |
CRWR 4100 | Advanced Fiction Workshop | 3 |
CRWR 4120 | Screenwriting and Drama: Advanced Workshop | 3 |
CRWR 4130 | Advanced Creative Nonfiction Workshop | 3 |
CRWR 4140 | Advanced New Forms and Media II | 3 |
CRWR 4150 | Writers' Studio | 3 |
CRWR 4200 | Advanced Short Fiction ll | 3 |
DEPD 1130 | Design Research Methods | 3 |
DEPD 1240 | Computer-Aided Design Fundamentals | 3 |
DEPD 1250 | Construction Technologies for Soft Materials | 3 |
DESN 2004 | Design Thinking & Innovation | 3 |
DESN 2500 | Design Thinking: Food System Connectivity in Design, Business and Agriculture | 6 |
ECON 1101 | Foundations of Economics | 3 |
ECON 1110 | Making Economic Sense of Life | 3 |
ECON 1150 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 1250 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 2210 | Money and Banking | 3 |
ECON 2255 | Globalization in an Economic Framework | 3 |
ECON 2260 | Environmental Economics | 3 |
ECON 2280 | Labour Economics | 3 |
ECON 2350 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 3100 | Economics of Sustainability Policy | 3 |
ECON 3150 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
ECON 3211 | Economic History of Canada | 3 |
EDAS 1130 | Interpersonal Communications 1 | 2 |
EDAS 1131 | Interpersonal Communications | 3 |
EDAS 1225 | Alternative and Augmentative Communication | 1.5 |
EDAS 1281 | Health and Personal Care | 2 |
EDAS 1305 | Overview of Curriculum for Inclusive Schools | 3 |
EDUC 1100 | Introduction to Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC 1102 | Introduction to Higher Education for Indigenous Students | 3 |
EDUC 1140 | Introduction to Higher Education for Experienced Learners | 3 |
EDUC 1150 | Introduction to Higher Education for International Students | 3 |
EDUC 2210 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDUC 2220 | Introduction to Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 2500 | Career Readiness and Professional Development | 3 |
EDUC 3210 | Supportive Relations in Educational Settings | 3 |
EDUC 3220 | Children’s Social and Emotional Development in Educational Settings | 3 |
EDUC 3230 | Curriculum Theory and Design | 3 |
EDUC 3240 | Social Justice and Diversity in Education | 3 |
EDUC 3250 | Assessment Practices in Education | 3 |
EDUC 3320 | Career Counselling and Career Education | 3 |
EDUC 4210 | Best Practices in Educational Settings | 3 |
EDUC 4220 | The Self in Education and Counselling | 3 |
ENGL 1100 | Introduction to University Writing | 3 |
ENGL 1104 | Reading and Writing Skills for Educational Assistants | 3 |
ENGL 1202 | Reading and Writing About Selected Topics: An Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1204 | Reading and Writing About Genre: An Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1207 | Film, Television and Online Narratives | 3 |
ENGL 1300 | Writing and Research in the Social Sciences and the Humanities | 3 |
ENGL 2200 | Foundations of Western Literature | 3 |
ENGL 2250 | Approaches to Literary Study | 3 |
ENGL 2300 | Writing in the Digital Age | 3 |
ENGL 2301 | Canadian Literature in English | 3 |
ENGL 2305 | World Literature | 3 |
ENGL 2309 | Literature of the United States of America | 3 |
ENGL 2315 | The Comic Voice | 3 |
ENGL 2316 | English Literature: 14th to 18th Centuries | 3 |
ENGL 2317 | English Literature: 18th to 20th Centuries | 3 |
ENGL 2320 | Studies in Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 2330 | Studies in Drama | 3 |
ENGL 2340 | Studies in Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 2341 | Science Fiction and Fantasy | 3 |
ENGL 2345 | The Graphic Novel and Comic Book Literature | 3 |
ENGL 2350 | Critical Studies in Film | 3 |
ENGL 2355 | Literary Classics on Film | 3 |
ENGL 2430 | Children's Literature | 3 |
ENGL 2432 | Fairy Tales and Folklore Across Cultures | 3 |
ENGL 3300 | Critical Theory | 3 |
ENGL 3301 | 19th-Century Canadian Literature in English | 3 |
ENGL 3302 | Canadian Prose in English from 1900 | 3 |
ENGL 3303 | Canadian Poetry in English from 1880 to the Present | 3 |
ENGL 3305 | Film Theory | 3 |
ENGL 3306 | Literature of the United States: Beginnings to 1865 | 3 |
ENGL 3307 | Literature of the United States: 1865 to 1910 | 3 |
ENGL 3308 | Literature of the United States: 1910 to 1945 | 3 |
ENGL 3309 | Literature of the United States: 1945 to the Present | 3 |
ENGL 3310 | Literature in Translation | 3 |
ENGL 3313 | Studies in Major Writers | 3 |
ENGL 3315 | Studies in Chaucer | 3 |
ENGL 3317 | Readings in the History of Ideas | 3 |
ENGL 3320 | Studies in Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGL 3323 | Seventeenth-Century British Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3325 | Eighteenth-Century British Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3328 | Romantic Poetry and Poetics | 3 |
ENGL 3330 | Studies in Children's Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3332 | Victorian Poetry and Non-Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 3336 | The Victorian Novel, 1837-1900 | 3 |
ENGL 3340 | Cross-Cultural World Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3345 | Diasporic Literatures | 3 |
ENGL 3350 | Literature and Film | 3 |
ENGL 3351 | Studies in Modernism | 3 |
ENGL 3352 | The British Novel, 1900-1945 | 3 |
ENGL 3355 | Modern and Contemporary Drama | 3 |
ENGL 3358 | British Fiction since 1945 | 3 |
ENGL 3360 | Writing Women/Women Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3365 | Hollywood Cinema | 3 |
ENGL 3370 | Life-Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3380 | Popular Writing and Culture | 3 |
ENGL 3390 | Studies in Indigenous Literature and Cultural Expression | 3 |
ENGL 4350 | Topics in Film Studies | 3 |
ENGL 4400 | English Studies and the Classroom | 3 |
ENGL 4401 | Topics in Canadian Literature | 3 |
ENGL 4420 | Topics in British Literature | 3 |
ENGL 4700 | Special Topics in Literature | 3 |
ENTR 1100 | Entrepreneurial Inquiry | 3 |
ENTR 1200 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR 2120 | Persuasion and Influence | 3 |
ENTR 4130 | Entrepreneurial Mgt for Service Orgs | 3 |
ENVI 1106 | Environmental Chemistry I | 4 |
ENVI 1121 | Environmental Issues | 3 |
ENVI 1206 | Environmental Chemistry II | 4 |
ENVI 1216 | Introduction to Earth Sciences | 4 |
ENVI 2305 | Environmental Toxicology | 3 |
FINA 1100 | Introduction to Drawing | 3 |
FINA 1106 | Drawing for Design | 3 |
FINA 1110 | Introduction to Painting | 3 |
FINA 1130 | Ceramics I | 3 |
FINA 1131 | Sculpture I | 3 |
FINA 1135 | Introduction to Digital Media I | 3 |
FINA 1142 | Introduction to Print Media | 3 |
FINA 1145 | Monotype - The Painted Print | 3 |
FINA 1166 | Colour Theory and Practice | 3 |
FINA 1167 | Visual Language: Making and Meaning | 3 |
FINA 1170 | Introduction to Film Photography | 3 |
FINA 1175 | Form, Structure and Materials | 3 |
FINA 1200 | Drawing II | 3 |
FINA 1210 | Painting II | 3 |
FINA 1230 | Ceramics II | 3 |
FINA 1231 | Sculpture II | 3 |
FINA 1242 | Print Media II | 3 |
FINA 2135 | Digital Media: Design in Contemporary Art | 3 |
FINA 2147 | Issues in Contemporary Art I | 3 |
FINA 2170 | Intermediate Film Photography | 3 |
FINA 2235 | Digital Media: Interactive Art on the Web | 3 |
FINA 2270 | Digital Photography | 3 |
FINA 2300 | Advanced Drawing I | 3 |
FINA 2310 | Advanced Painting Studio I | 3 |
FINA 2330 | Ceramics III | 3 |
FINA 2331 | Sculpture III | 3 |
FINA 2335 | Digital Media: Video and Installation | 3 |
FINA 2342 | Print Media III | 3 |
FINA 2371 | Photo-based Alternative Processes & Installation | 3 |
FINA 2400 | Advanced Drawing II | 3 |
FINA 2410 | Advanced Painting Studio II | 3 |
FINA 2430 | Ceramics IV | 3 |
FINA 2431 | Sculpture IV | 3 |
FINA 2442 | Print Media IV | 3 |
FINA 3100 | Advanced Studio Practice and Seminar I | 3 |
FINA 3110 | Introduction to Curatorial Studies | 3 |
FINA 3111 | Professional Practices | 3 |
FINA 3112 | Public Art: Theory and Practice | 3 |
FINA 3135 | Advanced Digital Media: Open Studio 1 | 3 |
FINA 3147 | Issues in Contemporary Art II | 3 |
FINA 4300 | Advanced Studio Practice and Thesis I | 6 |
FREN 1100 | French for Beginners I | 3 |
FREN 1101 | French for Beginners II | 3 |
FREN 2200 | Intermediate French I | 3 |
FREN 2201 | Intermediate French II | 3 |
FREN 3100 | French Oral & Writing Skills | 3 |
FREN 3110 | Francophone Culture Through Film | 3 |
FREN 3300 | Upper Intermediate French I | 3 |
FREN 3301 | Upper Intermediate French II | 3 |
GDMA 1240 | Graphic Design and Society 2 | 3 |
GDMA 2100 | Editorial Design 1 | 3 |
GDMA 2140 | Communication Design and Popular Culture | 3 |
GEOG 1101 | Human Geography | 3 |
GEOG 1102 | Physical Geography | 4 |
GEOG 1160 | Geography of British Columbia | 3 |
GEOG 2050 | Climate Change — Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies | 3 |
GEOG 2140 | Geography of Canada | 3 |
GEOG 2170 | Geography of Europe | 3 |
GEOG 2185 | Geography of East Asia | 3 |
GEOG 2190 | Geography of South Asia | 3 |
GEOG 2250 | The City | 3 |
GEOG 2310 | Climatology | 3 |
GEOG 2320 | Geomorphology | 3 |
GEOG 2380 | Qualitative Methods in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 2390 | Quantitative Methods in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 2400 | Introduction to GIS | 3 |
GEOG 3130 | Society and Urban Space | 3 |
GEOG 3220 | Urban Planning and Politics | 3 |
GEOG 3260 | Geographic Thought | 3 |
GEOG 3310 | Natural Hazards | 3 |
GEOG 3320 | Environment and Resources | 3 |
GEOG 3330 | Hydrology | 3 |
GEOG 3390 | Methods in Environmental Geography | 3 |
GEOG 4100 | Research Design in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 4350 | Climate Change | 3 |
GEOG 4380 | Applications in GIS | 3 |
HEAL 1100 | Mental Wellness and Communication | 3 |
HEAL 1180 | Introduction to Health Research | 3 |
HEAL 2110 | First Nations Health | 3 |
HEAL 3101 | Conceptual Paradigms: A Feminist Perspective | 3 |
HIST 1100 | Reel History: History through Film | 3 |
HIST 1105 | Changemakers: 12 Little-known Individuals Who Changed the World | 3 |
HIST 1110 | Kanata: Indigenous Histories in Canada | 3 |
HIST 1113 | Cultures in Collision: Canada to 1867 | 3 |
HIST 1114 | Forged in Fire: Canada since 1867 | 3 |
HIST 1125 | Origins of the Modern West: The Great Transformations | 3 |
HIST 1130 | Empires in Arms: Twentieth Century World 1900-1945 | 3 |
HIST 1131 | Atom Bombs to the Internet: Twentieth Century World 1945-2000 | 3 |
HIST 1145 | Expansion, Revolution, & Civil War: American History 1607-1865 | 3 |
HIST 1146 | World Wars, Reform, & Cold War: American History 1865-1960 | 3 |
HIST 1150 | Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Introduction to East Asian History | 3 |
HIST 1160 | A Passage to South Asia: Introduction to South Asian History | 3 |
HIST 1190 | Explorations in History | 3 |
HIST 2101 | Europe in the Middle Ages | 3 |
HIST 2102 | Europe 1450 to 1789 | 3 |
HIST 2119 | Europe 1789 to 1914 | 3 |
HIST 2156 | Martial Arts of China and Japan | 3 |
HIST 2200 | Making History | 3 |
HIST 2300 | Introduction to World Civilizations | 3 |
HIST 2301 | The Ancient World | 3 |
HIST 2302 | Consuming Passions: A Global History of Food | 3 |
HIST 2303 | Bleat, Bark, Buzz: Animals in Global History | 3 |
HIST 2304 | Canadian-American Relations | 3 |
HIST 2306 | Pandemics & Disease in History: Soul Loss, Miasma, and Wayward Qi | 3 |
HIST 2307 | Twentieth Century Britain | 3 |
HIST 2314 | Gender and Sexuality in Canada | 3 |
HIST 2315 | Canadian Crime in Historical Perspective | 3 |
HIST 2335 | War in the Modern World | 3 |
HIST 2350 | Late Imperial China | 3 |
HIST 2351 | Opium, Alcohol, & Tobacco in Asian History & Culture | 3 |
HIST 2355 | The Chinese Overseas: A Global History of Chinese Migration | 3 |
HIST 2359 | Tea in Asia | 3 |
HIST 2365 | Pathways to Nirvana: Cultural History of Buddhism | 3 |
HIST 2375 | Japan under the Shoguns, 1600 to 1868 | 3 |
HIST 2380 | Global Environmental History | 3 |
HIST 3140 | Environment and Society in East Asia | 3 |
HIST 3145 | Earth & Air / Fire & Water: An Introduction to Eco-Activist Movements | 3 |
HIST 3180 | North American Environmental History | 3 |
HIST 3310 | The Fibre of Society: Textile Production in Global History | 3 |
HIST 3327 | History of Russia to 1917 | 3 |
HIST 3328 | History of the Soviet Union | 3 |
HIST 3331 | Modern German History | 3 |
HIST 3340 | The Civil War and Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST 3344 | Colonial America | 3 |
HIST 3345 | History of the American West | 3 |
HIST 3346 | History of the American Revolution 1760-1791 | 3 |
HIST 3360 | British India 1857 to 1947 | 3 |
HIST 3361 | Indian Subcontinent since 1947 | 3 |
HIST 3370 | History of Modern Japan | 3 |
HIST 3394 | The Two World Wars | 3 |
HIST 3397 | Guerillas in the Mist: Terrorism in the Modern World | 3 |
HIST 4400 | Applications of History | 3 |
HIST 4407 | British Society and Culture, 1900-2000 | 3 |
HIST 4420 | Europe in the "Age of the Dictators" | 3 |
HIST 4430 | The Holocaust in History | 3 |
HIST 4450 | China and the West | 3 |
HIST 4460 | Gandhi in History | 3 |
HIST 4470 | Warriors of Japan: The Samurai | 3 |
HIST 4480 | The Vietnam War in Historical Perspective | 3 |
HIST 4485 | The Great Strategists | 3 |
HIST 4490 | History of British Columbia | 3 |
HIST 4496 | Canada and World War I | 3 |
HIST 4497 | Canada and World War II | 3 |
HORT 1110 | Introduction To Sustainable Horticulture | 3 |
HORT 2427 | Sustainable Landscape Design II | 3 |
HORT 2442 | Arboriculture II | 3 |
HSCI 1115 | Introduction to Health Science | 3 |
HSCI 1220 | Health Science Writing | 3 |
HSCI 4380 | Critical Evaluation | 3 |
IDEA 1100 | Exploring Self and World: Transcultural, Creative and Interdisciplinary Inquiry | 3 |
IDEA 1240 | New Forms and Media: Networked Narratives | 3 |
IDEA 1400 | Explorations in Expressive Arts through Drama and Theatre | 3 |
IDEA 2100 | Rewilding Our Hearts and Actions: Ecology, Sustainability & Creativity | 3 |
IDEA 3302 | Creativity and Leadership in Groups | 3 |
INDG 1100 | Introduction to Indigenous Studies | 3 |
INDG 1492 | Indigenous Perspectives in Biology | 3 |
INFO 1111 | Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software | 3 |
INFO 1112 | Principles of Program Structure and Design I | 3 |
INFO 1113 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
INFO 1211 | Operating Systems Principles And Applications | 3 |
INFO 1212 | Networking Technologies I | 3 |
INFO 1213 | Web Application Development | 3 |
INFO 1214 | Discrete Mathematics for Information Technology | 3 |
INFO 2311 | Networking Technologies II | 3 |
INFO 2313 | Principles of Program Structure and Design II | 3 |
INFO 2315 | Data Structure | 3 |
INFO 2412 | Management of Information Systems | 3 |
INFO 2413 | System Development Project | 3 |
INFO 2416 | Server Operating Systems | 3 |
INFO 3135 | Advanced Web Application Development | 3 |
INFO 3280 | Information Technology Project Management | 3 |
INFO 3290 | Virtualization | 3 |
INFO 4105 | Search Engine Principles | 3 |
INFO 4225 | Animations | 3 |
INFO 4290 | Integration Project II | 3 |
JAPN 1100 | Basic Japanese I | 3 |
JAPN 1101 | Basic Japanese II | 3 |
JAPN 1200 | Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Society and Culture | 3 |
JAPN 2200 | Intermediate Japanese I | 3 |
JAPN 2201 | Intermediate Japanese II | 3 |
JAPN 3300 | Upper Intermediate Japanese I | 3 |
JAPN 3301 | Upper Intermediate Japanese II | 3 |
JRNL 1160 | Introduction to Journalism | 3 |
JRNL 1220 | Citizen Journalism | 3 |
JRNL 2120 | Storytelling: Writing for Journalism | 3 |
JRNL 2230 | Multimedia Storytelling | 3 |
JRNL 2240 | Beyond the News: Feature Writing | 3 |
JRNL 2360 | Photojournalism | 3 |
JRNL 2370 | Podcasting and Audio Storytelling | 3 |
JRNL 3170 | Narrative Nonfiction | 3 |
JRNL 3180 | Sports Journalism | 3 |
JRNL 4240 | Social Issues Journalism | 3 |
JRNL 4250 | Politics and Journalism | 3 |
LANC 1150 | Introduction to Intercultural Competencies: Thinking, Speaking, Acting Globally | 3 |
LANC 1200 | Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Society and Culture | 3 |
LANC 1870 | Intro to Bhangra Dance: Modern and Traditional | 3 |
LANC 2120 | Introduction to Chinese and Japanese Cinema | 3 |
LANC 2252 | Indian Society through Film | 3 |
LANC 3310 | Japanese Culture and Business | 3 |
LANC 3320 | Japanese Culture Through Film | 3 |
LING 1100 | Introduction to Language Structure | 3 |
LING 1300 | Languages of the World | 3 |
LING 2120 | Grammatical Patterns in Language | 3 |
LING 2400 | First and Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
MAND 1100 | Beginner Mandarin I | 3 |
MAND 1101 | Beginner Mandarin II | 3 |
MAND 2200 | Intermediate Mandarin I | 3 |
MAND 2201 | Intermediate Mandarin II | 3 |
MAND 3310 | Upper Intermediate Mandarin: Reading And Writing I | 3 |
MAND 3311 | Upper Intermediate Mandarin II: Reading and Writing | 3 |
MAND 4321 | Business Chinese I | 3 |
MAND 4323 | Business Chinese II | 3 |
MAND 4481 | Modern Chinese Literature I | 3 |
MAND 4483 | Modern Chinese Literature II | 3 |
MATH 1102 | Precalculus Algebra | 3 |
MATH 1112 | Pre-Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1115 | Statistics I | 3 |
MATH 1116 | Mathematical Explorations | 3 |
MATH 1117 | Environmental Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 1120 | Differential Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1130 | Calculus for Life Sciences I | 3 |
MATH 1135 | Problems and Concepts | 3 |
MATH 1140 | Calculus I (Business Applications) | 3 |
MATH 1152 | Matrix Algebra for Engineers | 3 |
MATH 1170 | Introduction to Data Science | 3 |
MATH 1190 | Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers | 4 |
MATH 1216 | Mathematics in the Visual Arts | 3 |
MATH 1220 | Integral Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1230 | Calculus for Life Sciences II | 3 |
MATH 2232 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 2315 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MATH 2321 | Multivariate Calculus (Calculus III) | 3 |
MATH 2331 | Introduction to Analysis | 3 |
MATH 2335 | Statistics for Life Sciences | 3 |
MATH 2410 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 2721 | Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 2821 | Multivariate and Vector Calculus | 3 |
MATH 3120 | Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 3130 | Introduction to the Mathematics Classroom | 3 |
MATH 3140 | Mathematical Computing | 3 |
MATH 3150 | The Structure of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 3160 | Group Theory | 3 |
MATH 3170 | Complex Variables | 3 |
MATH 3250 | Geometry | 3 |
MATH 3315 | Applied Inferential Statistics | 3 |
MATH 3322 | Vector Calculus (Calculus IV) | 3 |
MATH 3421 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 3431 | Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 3450 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 4130 | Theory of Mathematics Education | 3 |
MATH 4150 | Number Theory | 3 |
MATH 4190 | Introduction to Point-Set Topology | 3 |
MATH 4210 | Biomathematics | 3 |
MATH 4220 | Numerical Methods | 3 |
MATH 4240 | Mathematical Modelling | 3 |
MATH 4250 | Special Topics in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 4350 | Senior Project | 3 |
MRKT 1199 | Introduction to Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 1299 | Consumer Behaviour | 3 |
MRKT 2111 | Introduction to Digital Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 2235 | Small Business Start-up | 3 |
MRKT 2321 | Retail Management | 3 |
MRKT 2333 | Fundamentals of Strategic Marketing Management | 3 |
MRKT 2340 | Marketing Insights | 3 |
MRKT 2360 | Selling and Sales Management | 3 |
MRKT 2401 | Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications | 3 |
MRKT 2444 | Interpersonal and Professional Development in Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 2455 | International Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 2500 | Environmental Sustainability in Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 3000 | Strategic Marketing Decision Making | 3 |
MRKT 3311 | Marketing in a Digital World | 3 |
MUSI 1105 | Major Instrument - Foundation I | 2 |
MUSI 1111 | Introduction to Popular Music | 3 |
MUSI 1113 | Introduction to the Music Industry | 3 |
MUSI 1114 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
MUSI 1115 | Classical Music in Western Culture | 3 |
MUSI 1120 | Music Rudiments | 3 |
MUSI 1130 | Music Technology I | 3 |
MUSI 1133 | Fretboard Studies I | 2 |
MUSI 1150 | The Language of Music I | 3 |
MUSI 1151 | Aural Musicianship I | 2 |
MUSI 1153 | History of Music I: Cornerstones of Music History | 3 |
MUSI 1154 | Keyboard Skills I | 1 |
MUSI 1155 | Secondary Instrument - I | 1 |
MUSI 1156 | Major Instrument - Performance I | 3 |
MUSI 1157 | Major Instrument - Concentration I | 2 |
MUSI 1167 | Kwantlen String Orchestra I | 2 |
MUSI 1168 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1169 | Kwantlen Chorus I | 2 |
MUSI 1171 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1172 | Piano Chamber Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1173 | Percussion Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1174 | Woodwind Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1175 | Brass Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1176 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble I: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 1177 | Jazz Band I | 2 |
MUSI 1178 | Jazz Combo I | 2 |
MUSI 1179 | String Chamber Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1180 | Opera Workshop Ensemble I | 2 |
MUSI 1181 | Kwantlen Chamber Singers I | 2 |
MUSI 1205 | Major Instrument - Foundation II | 2 |
MUSI 1233 | Fretboard Studies II | 2 |
MUSI 1250 | The Language of Music II | 3 |
MUSI 1251 | Aural Musicianship II | 2 |
MUSI 1253 | History of Music II: Heroes, Politics, and War | 3 |
MUSI 1254 | Keyboard Skills II | 1 |
MUSI 1255 | Secondary Instrument - II | 1 |
MUSI 1256 | Major Instrument - Performance II | 3 |
MUSI 1257 | Major Instrument - Concentration - II | 2 |
MUSI 1267 | Kwantlen String Orchestra II | 2 |
MUSI 1268 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1269 | Kwantlen Chorus II | 2 |
MUSI 1271 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1272 | Piano Chamber Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1273 | Percussion Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1274 | Woodwind Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1275 | Brass Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1276 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble II: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 1277 | Jazz Band II | 2 |
MUSI 1278 | Jazz Combo II | 2 |
MUSI 1279 | String Chamber Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1280 | Opera Workshop Ensemble II | 2 |
MUSI 1281 | Kwantlen Chamber Singers II | 2 |
MUSI 1291 | Songwriting and Arranging | 3 |
MUSI 2020 | Global Drumming and Cultural Expression | 3 |
MUSI 2130 | Music Technology II | 3 |
MUSI 2340 | Collaborative Piano I | 2 |
MUSI 2350 | The Language of Music III | 3 |
MUSI 2351 | Aural Musicianship III | 2 |
MUSI 2353 | History of Music III: Music and the Arts | 3 |
MUSI 2354 | Keyboard Skills III | 1 |
MUSI 2355 | Secondary Instrument - III | 1 |
MUSI 2356 | Major Instrument - Performance III | 3 |
MUSI 2357 | Major Instrument - Concentration III | 2 |
MUSI 2359 | Lyric Diction I | 1 |
MUSI 2367 | Kwantlen String Orchestra III | 2 |
MUSI 2368 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2369 | Kwantlen Chorus III | 2 |
MUSI 2371 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2372 | Piano Chamber Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2373 | Percussion Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2374 | Woodwind Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2375 | Brass Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2376 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble III: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 2377 | Jazz Band III | 2 |
MUSI 2378 | Jazz Combo III | 2 |
MUSI 2379 | String Chamber Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2380 | Opera Workshop Ensemble III | 2 |
MUSI 2381 | Kwantlen Chamber Singers III | 2 |
MUSI 2450 | The Language of Music IV | 3 |
MUSI 2451 | Aural Musicianship IV | 2 |
MUSI 2453 | History of Music IV: Challenging the Conventions of Music | 3 |
MUSI 2454 | Keyboard Skills IV | 1 |
MUSI 2455 | Secondary Instrument - IV | 1 |
MUSI 2456 | Major Instrument - Performance IV | 3 |
MUSI 2457 | Major Instrument - Concentration IV | 2 |
MUSI 2459 | Lyric Diction II | 1 |
MUSI 2467 | Kwantlen String Orchestra IV | 2 |
MUSI 2468 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2469 | Kwantlen Chorus IV | 2 |
MUSI 2471 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2472 | Piano Chamber Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2473 | Percussion Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2474 | Woodwind Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2475 | Brass Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2476 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble IV: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 2477 | Jazz Band IV | 2 |
MUSI 2478 | Jazz Combo IV | 2 |
MUSI 2479 | String Chamber Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2480 | Opera Workshop Ensemble IV | 2 |
MUSI 2481 | Kwantlen Chamber Singers IV | 2 |
MUSI 3113 | The Social History of the Guitar | 3 |
MUSI 3550 | The Language of Music V: Jazz and Pop | 3 |
MUSI 3568 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3569 | Kwantlen Chorus V | 2 |
MUSI 3571 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3572 | Piano Chamber Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3573 | Percussion Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3574 | Woodwind Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3575 | Brass Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3576 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble V: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 3577 | Jazz Band V | 2 |
MUSI 3578 | Jazz Combo V | 2 |
MUSI 3579 | String Chamber Ensemble V | 2 |
MUSI 3650 | The Language of Music VI: Contemporary | 3 |
MUSI 3668 | Kwantlen Wind Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3669 | Kwantlen Chorus VI | 2 |
MUSI 3671 | Guitar Chamber Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3672 | Piano Chamber Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3673 | Percussion Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3674 | Woodwind Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3675 | Brass Ensemble VI | 2 |
MUSI 3676 | Vocal Chamber Ensemble VI: Madrigal to Jazz | 2 |
MUSI 3677 | Jazz Band VI | 2 |
MUSI 3678 | Jazz Combo VI | 2 |
MUSI 3679 | String Chamber Ensemble VI | 2 |
PHIL 1100 | General Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 1101 | Philosophy, Culture, and Identity | 3 |
PHIL 1110 | Introduction to Moral Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 1111 | Sustainability and Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 1112 | Introduction to Environmental Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 1145 | Critical Thinking | 3 |
PHIL 1150 | Introduction to Formal Logic | 3 |
PHIL 1155 | Introduction to Scientific Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL 1201 | Thinking Philosophically about Technology by Watching Films | 3 |
PHIL 2106 | Ancient Greek Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 2107 | Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant | 3 |
PHIL 2110 | Moral Theory | 3 |
PHIL 2115 | Asian Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 2117 | Social and Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 2120 | Philosophy of Religion | 3 |
PHIL 2210 | Epistemology | 3 |
PHIL 2215 | Metaphysics | 3 |
PHIL 3010 | Health Care Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 3033 | Business Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 3040 | Philosophy of Art | 3 |
PHIL 3100 | Great Philosophers of the 20th Century | 3 |
PHIL 3101 | 20th Century Analytic Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 3105 | Life and Death | 3 |
PHIL 3109 | Foundations in Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 3110 | The Possibility of Knowledge | 3 |
PHIL 3118 | Ethics and Public Policy | 3 |
PHIL 3119 | Contemporary Moral Theory | 3 |
PHIL 3120 | Free Will and Determinism | 3 |
PHIL 3150 | Intermediate Formal Logic | 3 |
PHIL 3220 | Empiricism | 3 |
PHIL 3225 | Rationalism | 3 |
PHIL 3320 | Personal Identity | 3 |
PHIL 3430 | Philosophy of Mind: Consciousness | 3 |
PHIL 3512 | Confronting Moral Issues: The Natural Environment | 3 |
PHIL 4040 | Topics in the Philosophy of Art | 3 |
PHIL 4110 | Topics in Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 4117 | Topics in Social and Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 4120 | Topics in Philosophy of Religion | 3 |
PHIL 4210 | Topics in Epistemology | 3 |
PHIL 4215 | Topics in Metaphysics | 3 |
PHIL 4430 | Topics in the Philosophy of Mind | 3 |
PHYS 1100 | Introductory Physics | 4 |
PHYS 1101 | Physics for Life Sciences I | 4 |
PHYS 1102 | Physics for Life Sciences II | 4 |
PHYS 1120 | Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences I | 4 |
PHYS 1141 | Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS 1170 | Mechanics I | 3 |
PHYS 1220 | Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences II | 4 |
PHYS 1400 | Energy, Environment, Physics | 3 |
PHYS 1600 | Introduction to Modern Technology | 3 |
PHYS 2010 | Modern Physics | 3 |
PHYS 2030 | Classical Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS 2040 | Thermal Physics | 3 |
PHYS 2100 | Experimental Physics | 3 |
PHYS 2330 | Intermediate Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS 2420 | Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism | 3 |
PHYS 2600 | Electronics | 3 |
PHYS 2610 | Sensors and Actuators | 3 |
PHYS 3610 | Introduction to Control | 3 |
PHYS 3620 | Process Control | 3 |
PHYS 3900 | Project in Physics & Technology | 3 |
PHYS 4600 | Programming for Instrumentation | 3 |
PHYS 4700 | Solid State Physics: Theory and Practice | 3 |
POLI 1110 | Political Ideologies and Worldviews | 3 |
POLI 1120 | Canadian Politics and Government | 3 |
POLI 1123 | Politics in the City | 3 |
POLI 1125 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
POLI 1145 | Comparing Politics and Societies: An Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 |
POLI 1150 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
POLI 2100 | Sustainability and Government | 3 |
POLI 2121 | Law and Politics: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms | 3 |
POLI 2122 | Political Leadership: The Prime Ministers of Canada | 3 |
POLI 2131 | Politics of the European Union | 3 |
POLI 2140 | Comparative Politics of Asia | 3 |
POLI 2150 | States, Markets, Globalization: Global Political Economy | 3 |
POLI 2155 | War, Crime, and Violence: Contemporary Political Conflict | 3 |
POLI 2200 | Classic Thinkers: History of Political Thought | 3 |
POLI 2235 | British Columbia Government and Politics | 3 |
POLI 3100 | American Government and Politics | 3 |
POLI 3122 | Introduction to Canadian Foreign Policy | 3 |
POLI 3125 | Visions of Nationhood: Canada, Indigenous Peoples, and Québec | 3 |
POLI 3131 | The Politics of Continental Integration | 3 |
POLI 3146 | Government and Politics of India | 3 |
POLI 3147 | Foreign Policies of the Major Powers | 3 |
POLI 3150 | American Foreign Policy | 3 |
POLI 3160 | International Organizations | 3 |
POLI 3170 | International Peacekeeping | 3 |
POLI 3240 | Chinese Government and Politics | 3 |
POLI 4125 | The Politics of Multiculturalism in Canada | 3 |
POLI 4210 | Democracy: Classic and Contemporary Debates | 3 |
POLI 4330 | International Human Rights | 3 |
POLI 4335 | The Politics of Radical Islamism | 3 |
POLI 4340 | Public International Law | 3 |
POLI 4420 | Current Issues in Public Policy and Administration | 3 |
POLI 4500 | Model United Nations | 3 |
POST 1100 | Sustainability and Ethics | 3 |
POST 1200 | Inclusive Communities, Sustainable Futures | 3 |
POST 2140 | CityLab3 - Rethinking Community | 3 |
POST 2150 | CityLab6 Cultivating Community | 6 |
POST 2200 | Collective Power: Taking Action on Public Issues | 3 |
POST 2900 | Special Topics | 3 |
PRLN 1170 | Public Relations Research & Evaluation | 3 |
PRLN 2010 | Social Media for Public Relations | 3 |
PRLN 2441 | Organizational Communications & Culture | 3 |
PSYC 1100 | Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes | 3 |
PSYC 1200 | Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications | 3 |
PSYC 2300 | Applied Statistics | 3 |
PSYC 2315 | Brain and Behaviour | 3 |
PSYC 2320 | Developmental Psychology: Childhood | 3 |
PSYC 2323 | First and Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
PSYC 2330 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 2350 | Psychopathology | 3 |
PSYC 2370 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
PSYC 2385 | Cognition | 3 |
PSYC 2400 | Research Methods in Psychology I | 3 |
PSYC 3010 | Human Sexuality | 3 |
PSYC 3200 | Industrial and Organizational Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3220 | Group Dynamics | 3 |
PSYC 3307 | Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3311 | Psychology of Consciousness | 3 |
PSYC 3316 | Infancy | 3 |
PSYC 3320 | Drugs and Behaviour | 3 |
PSYC 3325 | Psychology of Gender | 3 |
PSYC 3343 | Psychology of Prejudice | 3 |
PSYC 3350 | Advanced Topics in Psychopathology | 3 |
PSYC 3450 | Clinical Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3600 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3920 | Aging | 3 |
PSYC 3950 | Cognitive Ergonomics | 3 |
PSYC 3970 | Community Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3980 | Environmental Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 4200 | Human Factors | 3 |
PSYC 4350 | Developmental Psychopathology | 3 |
PSYC 4600 | Positive Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 4650 | Psychology of Genocide | 3 |
PSYC 4700 | Culture and Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 4910 | Rehabilitation | 3 |
PUNJ 1100 | Introductory Punjabi I | 3 |
PUNJ 1101 | Introductory Punjabi II | 3 |
PUNJ 2200 | Intermediate Punjabi I | 3 |
PUNJ 2201 | Intermediate Punjabi II | 3 |
PUNJ 3301 | Learn Punjabi Through Punjabi Literature | 3 |
SOCI 1125 | Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures | 3 |
SOCI 2225 | Canadian Society: Conflict and Consensus | 3 |
SOCI 2230 | Racialization in Canada | 3 |
SOCI 2235 | The Development of Sociological Thought | 3 |
SOCI 2240 | Gender in Canada | 3 |
SOCI 2250 | Families in Canada | 3 |
SOCI 2255 | Sociology of Everyday Life and Interaction | 3 |
SOCI 2260 | Research Methods in Sociology | 3 |
SOCI 2270 | Sociology of Education: A Critical Perspective | 3 |
SOCI 2275 | Mass Media and Society | 3 |
SOCI 2280 | Sociology of Health, Disability, and Society | 3 |
SOCI 2285 | Gods in the Global Village: A Sociological Perspective of World Religions | 3 |
SOCI 2290 | South Asians around the Globe | 3 |
SOCI 2311 | Social Justice | 3 |
SOCI 2365 | Introduction to Social Research Statistics | 3 |
SOCI 3155 | Indigenous Perspectives on Settler Colonial Societies | 3 |
SOCI 3210 | Technology and Society | 3 |
SOCI 3230 | International Migration | 3 |
SOCI 3235 | Classic Sociological Theories | 3 |
SOCI 3240 | Gender in the Globalized World | 3 |
SOCI 3260 | Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
SOCI 3270 | Education, Nation-Building and Globalization | 3 |
SOCI 3275 | Sociology of Popular Culture | 3 |
SOCI 3280 | Sociology of Dying and Death | 3 |
SOCI 3300 | Sociology of Work and Occupations | 3 |
SOCI 3310 | Conflict Analysis and Resolution | 3 |
SOCI 3320 | Sociology of Global Inequalities | 3 |
SOCI 3345 | Social Policy in Context | 3 |
SOCI 3385 | Social Demography | 3 |
SOCI 4310 | Terrorism, Globalization, and Social Justice | 3 |
SOCI 4330 | Global Community Service | 6 |
SPAN 1100 | Basic Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 1101 | Basic Spanish II | 3 |
SPAN 2200 | Intermediate Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 2201 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3 |
SPAN 3310 | Advanced Spanish Conversation through Film | 3 |
STAT 2342 | Introduction to Statistics for Business | 3 |
THEA 1110 | Theatre in Context 1 | 3 |
THEA 1120 | Acting for Stage and Screen 1 | 3 |
THEA 1130 | Theatre Performance 1 | 6 |
THEA 2120 | Acting for Stage and Screen 2 | 3 |
WRTG 1100 | Writing for University | 3 |
Quantitative Courses
The following courses are designated to meet the quantitative (QUAN) course requirements for KPU credentials, as approved by Senate, the Senate Standing Committee on Curriculum, and its Subcommittee on Quantitative Courses.
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT 1110 | Introductory Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 1150 | Introduction to Personal Finance | 3 |
ACCT 1160 | Accounting Essentials for Non-Business Students | 3 |
ACCT 1210 | Introductory Financial Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT 2235 | Introductory Taxation | 3 |
ACCT 2293 | Accelerated Introductory Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 3310 | Intermediate Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 3320 | Cost and Management Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 3335 | Intermediate Taxation | 3 |
ACCT 3380 | Managerial Finance | 3 |
ACCT 3410 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT 4320 | Cost and Management Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT 4335 | Advanced Taxation | 3 |
ACCT 4380 | Intermediate Corporate Finance | 3 |
ACCT 4720 | Advanced Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT 4780 | Advanced Corporate Finance | 3 |
AGRI 3150 | Agriculture and Energy | 3 |
ANTH 1200 | Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 1217 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 2217 | Forensic Methods & Analysis | 3 |
ANTH 3301 | Archaeological Methods for Cultural Resource Management | 3 |
ASTR 1100 | Introduction to Astronomy | 4 |
ASTR 3110 | Exploring the Solar System | 3 |
ASTR 3111 | Exploring Stars & Galaxies | 3 |
BIOL 1110 | Introductory Biology I | 4 |
BIOL 1112 | Biology Today | 4 |
BIOL 1160 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
BIOL 1210 | Introductory Biology II | 4 |
BIOL 1260 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
BIOL 2320 | Genetics | 4 |
BIOL 2321 | Cell Biology | 4 |
BIOL 2322 | Ecology | 4 |
BIOL 2421 | Cellular Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOL 3180 | Life Science Research Methods | 3 |
BUQU 1130 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
BUQU 1230 | Business Statistics | 3 |
BUSI 2405 | Operations Management | 3 |
CHEM 1101 | CSI: Chemical Sciences Investigation | 4 |
CHEM 1110 | The Structure of Matter | 4 |
CHEM 1154 | Chemistry for Engineering | 4 |
CHEM 1210 | Chemical Energetics and Dynamics | 4 |
CHEM 2311 | Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences | 3 |
CHEM 2315 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 2320 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 2420 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM 3310 | Physical Chemistry | 4 |
CPSC 1103 | Principles of Program Structure and Design I | 3 |
CPSC 1204 | Principles of Program Structure and Design II | 3 |
CPSC 2302 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 3 |
CRIM 1208 | Methods of Research in Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 2103 | Quantitative Data Analysis I | 3 |
ECON 1150 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 1250 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 2210 | Money and Banking | 3 |
ECON 2350 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 3450 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 3 |
ENVI 1106 | Environmental Chemistry I | 4 |
ENVI 1121 | Environmental Issues | 3 |
ENVI 1216 | Introduction to Earth Sciences | 4 |
ENVI 2310 | Solid Waste Management | 3 |
GDMA 3100 | Information Design | 3 |
GEOG 1102 | Physical Geography | 4 |
GEOG 2310 | Climatology | 3 |
GEOG 2320 | Geomorphology | 3 |
GEOG 2390 | Quantitative Methods in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 2400 | Introduction to GIS | 3 |
GEOG 3330 | Hydrology | 3 |
GEOG 3390 | Methods in Environmental Geography | 3 |
HEAL 1180 | Introduction to Health Research | 3 |
HEAL 3180 | Nursing Science 4: Health Research for Evidence Informed Practice | 3 |
HORT 1104 | Soils and Growing Media | 3 |
JRNL 3165 | Data Visualization | 3 |
MATH 1112 | Pre-Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1115 | Statistics I | 3 |
MATH 1116 | Mathematical Explorations | 3 |
MATH 1117 | Environmental Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 1120 | Differential Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1130 | Calculus for Life Sciences I | 3 |
MATH 1135 | Problems and Concepts | 3 |
MATH 1140 | Calculus I (Business Applications) | 3 |
MATH 1152 | Matrix Algebra for Engineers | 3 |
MATH 1170 | Introduction to Data Science | 3 |
MATH 1190 | Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers | 4 |
MATH 1216 | Mathematics in the Visual Arts | 3 |
MATH 1220 | Integral Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1230 | Calculus for Life Sciences II | 3 |
MATH 2232 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 2315 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MATH 2321 | Multivariate Calculus (Calculus III) | 3 |
MATH 2331 | Introduction to Analysis | 3 |
MATH 2335 | Statistics for Life Sciences | 3 |
MATH 2410 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 2721 | Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 2821 | Multivariate and Vector Calculus | 3 |
MATH 3110 | Simulation Modeling | 3 |
MATH 3120 | Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 3140 | Mathematical Computing | 3 |
MATH 3150 | The Structure of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 3160 | Group Theory | 3 |
MATH 3170 | Complex Variables | 3 |
MATH 3250 | Geometry | 3 |
MATH 3315 | Applied Inferential Statistics | 3 |
MATH 3322 | Vector Calculus (Calculus IV) | 3 |
MATH 3421 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 3431 | Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 3450 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 4150 | Number Theory | 3 |
MATH 4190 | Introduction to Point-Set Topology | 3 |
MATH 4210 | Biomathematics | 3 |
MATH 4220 | Numerical Methods | 3 |
MATH 4240 | Mathematical Modelling | 3 |
MATH 4250 | Special Topics in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 4280 | Graph Theory and Applications | 3 |
MATH 4350 | Senior Project | 3 |
NRSG 3740 | Critical Inquiry: Data Analysis | 2 |
NRSG 4121 | Professional Growth 3: Inquiry and Research Methods | 3 |
NRSG 4122 | Professional Growth 4: Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis | 3 |
PHIL 1150 | Introduction to Formal Logic | 3 |
PHIL 1155 | Introduction to Scientific Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL 3150 | Intermediate Formal Logic | 3 |
PHYS 1100 | Introductory Physics | 4 |
PHYS 1101 | Physics for Life Sciences I | 4 |
PHYS 1102 | Physics for Life Sciences II | 4 |
PHYS 1120 | Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences I | 4 |
PHYS 1141 | Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS 1170 | Mechanics I | 3 |
PHYS 1220 | Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences II | 4 |
PHYS 1400 | Energy, Environment, Physics | 3 |
PHYS 1401 | Environmental Physics Lab | 1 |
PHYS 2010 | Modern Physics | 3 |
PHYS 2330 | Intermediate Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS 2420 | Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism | 3 |
PHYS 4700 | Solid State Physics: Theory and Practice | 3 |
PHYS 4901 | Guided Special Topics | 1 |
PSYC 2300 | Applied Statistics | 3 |
PSYC 2400 | Research Methods in Psychology I | 3 |
PSYC 3300 | Applied Statistics II | 3 |
PSYC 3400 | Quantitative Methods II | 3 |
PSYC 4100 | Tests and Measurement | 3 |
SOCI 2365 | Introduction to Social Research Statistics | 3 |
SOCI 3365 | Quantitative Research Methods | 3 |
STAT 2342 | Introduction to Statistics for Business | 3 |
Writing Instruction Requirement
The following course is designated to meet the University Writing Instruction (WRIT) requirement for KPU baccalaureate degrees, as outlined in Policy AC14, KPU Credential Framework:
Code | Title | Credits |
ENGL 1100 | Introduction to University Writing | 3 |
Writing Intensive Requirement
In addition to the University Writing Instruction requirement, all baccalaureate degrees require the completion of at least one Writing Intensive (WI) course (minimum 3 credits) designated as WI by Senate. Additional WI requirements may be established by individual programs and approved by Senate. The following courses are designated to meet the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement for KPU baccalaureate degrees:
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL 3180 | Life Science Research Methods | 3 |
CMNS 1140 | Introduction to Professional Communication | 3 |
CMNS 3000 | Advanced Professional Business Communications | 3 |
ENGL 1202 | Reading and Writing About Selected Topics: An Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1204 | Reading and Writing About Genre: An Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1207 | Film, Television and Online Narratives | 3 |
ENGL 2300 | Writing in the Digital Age | 3 |
GDMA 2140 | Communication Design and Popular Culture | 3 |
NRSG 2121 | Professional Identity 1 | 3 |
NRSG 3545 | Critical Inquiry: Nursing Research and Writing | 3 |
PSYN 2130 | Interpersonal Communication 1 | 3 |
This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email