Registration in some course sections is restricted to students in particular programs. See Timetables - - for current section information.
NRSG 2121 3 credits
Professional Identity 1
NRSG 2135 3 credits
Relational Practice: Advanced Communications
NRSG 2145 6 credits
Nursing Practice 1
NRSG 2175 3 credits
Nursing Applications 1
NRSG 2245 6 credits
Nursing Practice 2
NRSG 2265 3 credits
Nursing Science 1: Pathophysiology Part 1
NRSG 2266 3 credits
Nursing Science 2: Pharmacology
NRSG 2275 3 credits
Nursing Applications 2
NRSG 3121 3 credits
Professional Identity 2
NRSG 3130 3 credits
Self and Others 2: Advanced Interpersonal Communications & Reflection on Practice
NRSG 3142 4 credits
Nursing Practice 5: Mental Health
NRSG 3143 4 credits
Nursing Practice 5: Child and Family Health
NRSG 3161 3 credits
Health Sciences 5: Health Challenges for Children and Mental Health Issues Across the Lifespan
NRSG 3165 3 credits
Nursing Science 3: Pathophysiology Part 2
NRSG 3175 3 credits
Nursing Applications 3
NRSG 3212 3 credits
Health 2: Health Promotion and Community Empowerment
NRSG 3213 3 credits
Public Health & Maternity Nursing Theory
NRSG 3242 2 credits
Nursing Practice 6: Public Health
NRSG 3243 3 credits
Nursing Practice 6: Maternal Child
NRSG 3244 6 credits
Nursing Practice 6: Community Development
NRSG 3245 6 credits
Nursing Practice 4
NRSG 3275 3 credits
Nursing Applications 4
NRSG 3350 4.5 credits
Consolidated Nursing Practice 1
NRSG 3500 2 credits
Program Orientation: Introduction to Nursing
NRSG 3510 4 credits
Practice and Praxis 1: Episodic Health Challenges
NRSG 3525 2 credits
Relational Engagement: Personal Context and Nursing Roles
NRSG 3530 3 credits
Health Promotion 1: Episodic Health Challenges
NRSG 3535 3 credits
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing
NRSG 3545 3 credits
Critical Inquiry: Nursing Research and Writing
NRSG 3555 2 credits
Professional Role: Decolonizing Indigenous Health
NRSG 3560 2 credits
Pathophysiology for Health Promotion
NRSG 3610 7 credits
Practice and Praxis 2: Older Adults, Mental Health
NRSG 3630 3 credits
Health Promotion 2: Pharmacology
NRSG 3700 2 credits
Access for BPN Graduates
NRSG 3701 4 credits
Program Orientation: Access for BPN Graduates
NRSG 3705 3 credits
Health Promotion: Patho and Pharm Update
NRSG 3710 15 credits
Practice and Praxis 3: Capstone 1
NRSG 3740 2 credits
Critical Inquiry: Data Analysis
NRSG 4112 3 credits
Health 4: Influencing Change
NRSG 4121 3 credits
Professional Growth 3: Inquiry and Research Methods
NRSG 4122 3 credits
Professional Growth 4: Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis
NRSG 4142 6 credits
Nursing Practice 7: Change
NRSG 4145 8 credits
Nursing Practice 5
NRSG 4165 3 credits
Complex Client Care
NRSG 4175 3 credits
Nursing Applications 5
NRSG 4242 8.5 credits
Consolidated Nursing Practice 8
NRSG 4245 10 credits
Nursing Practice 6 Consolidated Nursing Practice
NRSG 4435 3 credits
Fundamentals of Maternal-Child Nursing
NRSG 4510 5 credits
Practice and Praxis 4: The Experience of Nursing of Families
NRSG 4520 1 credit
Relational Engagement: Family Context
NRSG 4530 2 credits
Health Promotion 3: Community Context
NRSG 4535 3 credits
Fundamentals of Pediatric Nursing
NRSG 4540 2 credits
Critical Inquiry: Nursing Theories
NRSG 4550 1 credit
Professional Role 2: Teaching and Learning
NRSG 4610 5 credits
Practice and Praxis 5: Community Context
NRSG 4620 2 credits
Relational Engagement: Community Context
NRSG 4640 2 credits
Critical Inquiry: Health Care and Bioethics
NRSG 4650 2 credits
Professional Role 3: Health Care Leadership
NRSG 4710 5 credits
Practice and Praxis 6: Global Context
NRSG 4720 2 credits
Relational Engagement: Global Context
NRSG 4810 10 credits
Practice and Praxis 7: Practice Consolidation: Capstone 2