Registration in some course sections is restricted to students in particular programs. See Timetables - - for current section information.
Visit the BC Transfer Guide - - for information about course transfer in B.C.
PSYC 1100 3 credits
Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
PSYC 1200 3 credits
Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications
PSYC 2300 3 credits
Applied Statistics
PSYC 2315 3 credits
Brain and Behaviour
PSYC 2320 3 credits
Developmental Psychology: Childhood
PSYC 2323 3 credits
First and Second Language Acquisition
PSYC 2330 3 credits
Social Psychology
PSYC 2350 3 credits
PSYC 2370 3 credits
Psychology of Personality
PSYC 2385 3 credits
PSYC 2400 3 credits
Research Methods in Psychology I
PSYC 3010 3 credits
Human Sexuality
PSYC 3200 3 credits
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3210 3 credits
Attitudes and Persuasion
PSYC 3215 3 credits
Psychology of Memory
PSYC 3220 3 credits
Group Dynamics
PSYC 3300 3 credits
Applied Statistics II
PSYC 3303 3 credits
Learning: Theory and Practice
PSYC 3307 3 credits
Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology
PSYC 3311 3 credits
Psychology of Consciousness
PSYC 3316 3 credits
PSYC 3320 3 credits
Drugs and Behaviour
PSYC 3321 3 credits
Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
PSYC 3322 3 credits
Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
PSYC 3325 3 credits
Psychology of Gender
PSYC 3343 3 credits
Psychology of Prejudice
PSYC 3350 3 credits
Advanced Topics in Psychopathology
PSYC 3370 3 credits
Advanced Personality Theory
PSYC 3375 3 credits
Sensation & Perception
PSYC 3400 3 credits
Quantitative Methods II
PSYC 3450 3 credits
Clinical Psychology
PSYC 3451 3 credits
Psychology and Law
PSYC 3600 3 credits
Health Psychology
PSYC 3800 3 credits
Evolutionary Psychology
PSYC 3910 3 credits
Brain Dysfunction and Recovery
PSYC 3920 3 credits
PSYC 3930 3 credits
Consumer Psychology Research & Applications
PSYC 3950 3 credits
Cognitive Ergonomics
PSYC 3960 3 credits
Program Evaluation
PSYC 3970 3 credits
Community Psychology
PSYC 3980 3 credits
Environmental Psychology
PSYC 4010 6 credits
Practicum in Psychology
PSYC 4100 3 credits
Tests and Measurement
PSYC 4150 3 credits
Psychology and Sustainability: Attitudes and Behaviour
PSYC 4200 3 credits
Human Factors
PSYC 4210 3 credits
Critical Thinking in Psychology
PSYC 4315 3 credits
PSYC 4350 3 credits
Developmental Psychopathology
PSYC 4400 3 credits
Research Methods II: Qualitative Methodologies
PSYC 4500 3 credits
Interpersonal Relations
PSYC 4600 3 credits
Positive Psychology
PSYC 4650 3 credits
Psychology of Genocide
PSYC 4700 3 credits
Culture and Psychology
PSYC 4900 3 credits
Special Topics in Psychology
PSYC 4910 3 credits
PSYC 4990 6 credits
Honours Thesis I
PSYC 4995 6 credits
Honours Thesis II